Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sadlier-oxford Vocabulary Level E Review Units

La notte delle stelle

Novate - Still derby. You know, these are games that do not look if rankings and where teams do not fear to take over any opponent. 4beta sure to win. 5 & \u200b\u200b6Kom sure you do not have anything to lose. You're done. The stars in the field were just (tonight) hosts in black mesh (5 & 6Kom). From them a thick "blanket" of public relations, friends, catechists, etc. etc.. The game sees a somewhat surreal series of events inside and determined that the 4beta in an unprecedented 1-2-2-1. The same under 2 goals, then 1, then 2, above 1; reached and reassembled, again in the lead, with many individual stories in which the goal that opened the game, Daniel Montecuollo of strength and luck in the goal area and the close, Antonio Montecuollo di rabbia dalla linea di porta!

Non c'è molto da dire sul match: è stata una partita di m.. I nostri difensori saltati come pere cotte; i centrocampisti che giocherellavano col pallone; gli attaccanti che l'uno creava e l'altro disfava. Grazie al cielo il primo creava molto e il secondo disfava poco, così da raggiungere il risultato atetso, la vittoria ma con sofferenza: 5 - 8.

Paulin 7,5

La palla in area piccola è la sua e guai a chi gliela tocca. Si vede un Paulin molto tonico che respinge i palloni e se li va a riprendere dai piedi degli avversari! In gamba

Zerbini 6

Poco, but very little in the game. The clown has done all afternoon before the game! = P Sorry to bring this out, because it is a good way and the team makes him faith for many, many defensive situations. For tonight: Editions Bradipo

Lopresti 6.5

The attacks are mostly on his side. In the second game of village intimidating, but at the end, seeing the result that was outside, throw out the beast within him. Almost

Montecuollo D 6.5

Mark and is a great thing. Scores the first goal and it is even more. He holds the ball too often and loses happy in the midst of 300,000 opponents. Found

Montecuollo A 6.5

own analysis of his brother. With him, the twins of the goal should not peg away in solitary activities. On the other hand, Uncle Milan has good pace and a last-second gap that will displace. You take from the game and wants to kill someone. His companions asenti the game, we suppose. not lay your hand

Grey 6.5

was his game and did not miss the opportunity to mock the fact two opponents in a single touch of a magic trick. The trick is not revealed even to the brother in law .. seriously he is a magician. I keep saying he needed to do to more. We are looking to fulfill its promise and that is maybe even a little more real at times (ball on the ground). Allegro

Lipari 6.5

Like fellow Grey department should be more accurate and efficient. It is a little trinkets with the ball, made merry with him in the door because they are great friends .. but inside when you put it?!? Dreamer

Brivio 7.5

had not come, that would be quiet easy, however. A
end of the match Rebecca hugs him come home, saying in bambinese
(which we can not hear, only the fathers and mothers) also supported
dalla madre: "hai visto papà che te l'avevo detto che dovevi andare!!" Lui
dice "ma no.." e in cuor suo sa che sua figlia ha già capito la suonata.
Tanti auguri alla famiglia che cresce


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