Thursday, December 17, 2009

How To Write A Communityhours Letter

La solita Beta

10/12 Olmi (Baggio) - You could not just wait. Les Miserables, so he likes to be called, had a mad rush of playing against the beta and, as we have seen in the field .. but as usual for the beta in the second half. Yes dear readers, because it seems to happen something mysterious and deadly for blues between the first and second, that each game makes him change the face of negative unfortunately. With large, bold play with small and even winning. . . Yes! but in the first portion of the game, and after? After something happens that can not be explained and everything changes.
We said then, really good first half by both sides. On the one hand the hosts a ispiratissimo Matteo A, which distributed the ball well coming from behind to launch, less than a good deed sula started right from the back (Simon Peter F) after a one-two with the first port the team to the achievement of another goal. Beta responds with an equally good phrasing, good actions and goals of repartee, but let me tell you of other, more finely crafted. First time it closes on 4 to 3 for the hosts but could well be a high eventually find.
second tranche of play that begins immediately uphill for guests who see the ball in the net, in its 3 times in a row within 10 minutes. E ' cominciato il periodo "beta". Tempo nel quale si perdono schemi, si hanno svarioni difensivi, offensivi e di impostazione. I soliti lanci dell'ottimo Reda trovano sempre un o stop e una proezione palla degli ttaccanti avversari degni del miglior Vieri, con goals annessi. I nostri difensori in bambola gli fanno fare tutto ciò che è fra i loro desideri. Il capocannoniere del torneo segna da ogni angolazione senza dar scampo al povero Paulin che comunque si comporta bene. L'attacco betino riesce solo in un'altra occasione a segnare col suo uoo migliore, che non è in giornata, ma già da un pò.. Dove sei Davide?!?!??
Il match si chiude sul 10 - 4. Troppo amara la sconfitta anche perchè si era dimostrato molto di più in campo. It occurs to me that our attacking play against good defenses and some can even make the goal, 44 in 8 games to be exact ... but that other attackers from a couple of games in this part are playing against a bulwark very easy to avoid, 46 goals conceded. Do not get discouraged! will mean that from now on, we will have a goal in most of the opponents! We'll make it!
Paulin 6
I undertake, without prejudice to the port played a lot better in many scoring chances, it is safer and helps the team. The limits we know them .. perhaps he no!? raises!
Zerbini 5.5
drop style of play. Do not remotely resemble the Bernardo we all know, comequello of Pavia: you look around for the ball, is slow in pssaggi in restarts .. not even his ghost would pass so easily. ETHEREAL
Garofalo 6.5
Rating reaches enough for his signature, the second in two games, with high rankings in the area and ball where the goalkeeper can not reach. You lose again in the numbers and patterns but in spite of the beer (literally) in the body for longer holds. Then gives way to alcohol. DUMMY
Lopresti 6.5
Nothing is attributable to him for the result. He makes his game and is also good, if not better than other times. ISOLATED
Griggio 6
Segna un altro goal il principino, ma non basta. Lo ripetiamo ancora e non ci stancheremo mai: ci aspettiamo una resa, non migliore, superiore! Che dia sfoggio della sua eleganza e maestria nel giocare a calcio. TU TU TU.. OCCUPATO
Montecuollo 5,5
Lasciato un pò nell'ombra quest'oggi per via del risultato incerto nel primo tempo e amaro nel secondo. Quando scende in campo recupera palla si, ma si intestardisce come al solito in dribbling per'altro impossibili e, in zone del campo dove NON SI DEVE!!
Lipari 6
Segna un gran bel goal di testa su calcio d'angolo per l'1 - 1, abbattendo la traversa avversaria. Illumina's goal as with the other assist for the goal of Julius G. He expects too much from his feet, sending a pair of balls too simple, on the bottom. He gets angry with his companions and yells at Bernard Z, ahilui, was playing his side. BEAUTIFUL BUT IMPOSSIBLE
Brivio 6.5
Even today it remains dry goals. And also marks a laudable. He understands the time no, and his team, not the leaves, not being able to make goal (and if you do not yet understand the reason, the child has arrived!) Returns to give manforte in midfield, and sometimes we find it in defense . We miss you


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