Monday, November 9, 2009

Wards Ap Biology Lab 2


si può vincere una partita in tanti modi: all'ultimo minuto come l'inter in champions, fluency in as Juventus on Sunday and in the same ways you can lose.
two teams clash in football, a win, the other loses ... sometimes tie, but watch Sunday's defeat beta 4 has been a nightmare, the anti-football, not a good ball in an hour game, two goals miraculous and an attack that was promptly stopped by Baggini. also on their doors, it must be said.
but not saved no one at all? no, this time two deserve more than enough: bernardo "excuse me" mats and Julio "pink" garofalo that between general chaos have held fast to the bar defense.
certainly not for me to make judgments about individual players, ci penserà qualcun'altro; una cosa sola su cui riflettere: troppo turn-over e troppa generosità nel cedere il posto ad altri. bisogna formare una squadra su buone fondamenta, mantenere quei due, tre pilastri che la soreggono e su quelli far girare tutta la costruzione.


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