Tuesday, October 7, 2008

How To Recover From A Viral Infection


FRIDAY 'Oct. 10: "Cascabel"
Rome, Via Assisi 33 (Staz. Tuscolana), 22.45 / 3.30, € 8.00
The milonga "tradicional" Luciana De Franco and Lamberto Calvieri in the room completely renovated, with lots of extra space and won the ball, and very successful with the new pavement.
AND 'the opportunity to celebrate with those who will my first eight years musicalizador and especially to spend another wonderful evening together.
Info & Table reservations: 335/6525340
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Roma, Via Mazzacurati, 63, (Casetta Mattei, Portuense) dalle 21,30
Il progetto di Silvia Colli e Luca Lamberti: in una galleria d'arte, una bellissima pista circolare, con ampio space around the tables.
This week, at the presence in Rome Jorge Firpo and chacarera lesson, from 20.30 to 21.30, the evening's program varies, with two options:
entry that includes evening from 20.00 + buffet + chacarera lesson with Jorge Firpo € 15;
input from 21.30 € 7.
Info and booking tables: 333/5300844
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Sarò infatti ospite di Cecilia Herrera alla trasmissione "Speciale Tango" in onda su RADIO MAMBO dalle 19,00 alle 20,00, per chiacchierare del tango e della sua storia.
Il programma può essere ascoltato:
da Roma in FM sui 106,9
da qualsiasi parte del globo :-))) su Internet dal sito di Radio Mambo
http://www.mambo.it/ , cliccando sui comandi per l'ascolto online
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A little 'history
an article about EDUARDO Arolas, EL TIGRE bandoneon
Historians concordi nel far risalire al 1907 la composizione di Comme il Faut, il primo tango di Eduardo Arolas.
A quel tempo il nostro si chiamava ancora Lorenzo Arola e si esibiva con Rafaél Iriarte, probabile co-autore di Comme il Faut, nei “cafetines” della provincia di Buenos Aires e nelle feste di quartiere.
Era (incredibile a dirsi) un analfabeta musicale e suonava ad orecchio la chitarra, cosa che aveva appreso dal fratello maggiore José Enrique.
Era nato a Buenos Aires appena quindici anni prima, il 24 febbraio 1892, nel popolare quartiere di Barracas, dove si erano stabiliti nel 1890 i suoi parents, Enrique and Margarita Saury Arola, France, also dragged by the wave of migration from Europe most of the time.
Comme il Faut, tango for many inextricably linked to the name of Carlos Di Sarli, who has three world-famous disc editions (1947, 1951, 1955), is just the first step of an artistic career without equal .
Arolas's rise was meteoric: Go early in the cafés of La Boca, for those of Corrientes, from there to the cabarets of the center of Palermo.
But above all passes with a speed and ease amazing guitar to the bandoneon, an instrument which will be the first true innovator, the first performer "modern", having fully understood the potential.
In 1909, with his bandoneon, he went to the cafe where he played Canaro Francisco, and at the end of the evening, performed his new composition, Una Noche de Garufa: such was the enthusiasm generated that decides Canaro to help "Lorenzo Arola, who had not any confidence with the staff, writing the score for him for the violin of the new tango.
The first official work of Arolas powerfully brings out the artistic, consecrating him as the perpetrator in the eyes of all musicians: his style is already correct, clear and distinguishable.
In 1911 he began studying music at the conservatory and does not deny his genius: in just three years learning theory, music theory and harmony.
In 1913, January 17, Lorenzo Eduardo Arolas Arola changed its name to "El Tigre of the Bandoneon," as his admirers called it, has already been born.
The score of Comme il Faut tango was published by Arolas only in 1917, but did the same years later, in his own name, Rafael Iriarte, who assigned the score the title of "Comparsa Criolla."
E 'for this reason that there are two identical tangos with different titles and credited to two different authors.
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Article by Armando Tatafiore and Romina Romano of January 7, 2007
Sources: Hector Herne, Ricardo Garcia Blaya, Oscar Marmol, Nestor Pinson


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